This is the Lightbulb To-Do application, developed alongside my talented partner, Gustavo Lins, for our Networking for Programmers course at New Brunswick Community College. Gustavo engineered a robust server-side architecture designed from the ground up to support multiple clients simultaneously. This feature is the backbone of our application.

On the client side, I used JavaScript to bring our application to life and TailwindCSS for that sleek, modern look we all appreciate. The interface is simple yet functional, allowing users to swiftly navigate and utilize the core feature of our shared to-do application.

One of the standout features of Lightbulb To-Do's is its real-time connectivity. When a user logs in with a username, they're not just entering a to-do list but joining a community. Every connected user becomes visible to others, creating a sense of presence and collaboration.

Users can add tasks and any task added becomes a shared goal. Other users, now part of this unique networked space, can mark tasks as completed.

Developing this application was not just an exercise in coding; it was a journey in understanding the power of networking, the potential of collaborative software, and the beauty of simple, user-friendly design. Lightbulb To-Do's is more than just a project for a grade; it's a testament to what can be achieved when innovative minds come together, leveraging technology to build something extraordinary.