One of my favourite projects from my time at NBCC is the website I created for a fictional company called Legitimate Real Estate Company. My partner and I built this application iteratively using the Rational Unified Process over many weeks. We started with simple prototyping, using Razor pages in our ASP.NET sandbox environment.

We used Figma to create our wireframes, used Canva for our logos, and standardized our Git branching strategy on day one. As we progressed through each iteration of the project, and the requirements became more and more complex, communication became even more crucial to our success.

My partner Alicia and I were also in a unique situation. Our team was the only one composed of students from separate cohorts. This separation meant our schedules were complete opposites. Despite this, we achieved nearly 100% on all project iterations.

The project was a real estate listing website, built in C# as an ASP.NET MVC application using Entity Framework Core. These technologies enabled us to work with our SQL database using .NET objects. Since the starter files included Bootstrap, we used it to style the entire website.

Use case requirements included implementing CRUD functionality for agents, customers, listings, showings, and images. We also implemented Authentication and Authorization, protecting areas of the website based on a user's role. These safeguards enabled us to send contract renewal links via our SMTP email client for specific users. Authorization controls secured the application to ensure only administrators and staff had privileges like generating listing reports and approving uploaded images.

The project showcased our technical proficiency in using modern development tools and frameworks and demonstrated our ability to overcome logistical challenges through effective communication and collaboration. Achieving nearly perfect scores across all iterations, Alicia and I navigated through complex requirements with an iterative approach, ensuring the real estate listing website was functional and secure. This experience at NBCC has been invaluable, reinforcing my software development and teamwork capabilities and leaving a lasting impact on my professional growth.